January 27, 2016

Interview Section :: With Fast Rising Afro Pop Singer KFACTOR

Wadup Readers, we brought to you today an interview section with an upcoming, fast rising pop singer : Kayode Damilola with the stage name #KFACTOR

Amebosquare:: kindly give a brief introduction of your self

KFACTOR: My real names are kayode Damilola. I attended febilak secondary school in Lagos .am the only child of my parents.

Amebosquare:::: what type of music do you engage your self :: is it hop,afro nd all that what type exactly

KFACTOR:::: I do Afro pop and a little bit of dancehall

Amebosquare::: Why the decision to be musician??

KFACTOR::: It a talent I figured out at a very early age
"Amebosquare:Cool that mean it a birth talent..
KFACTOR::Yes. Inborn"

Amebosquare:: What are the challenges you are facing as an upcoming?

KFACTOR:: Well. Having to joggle both school and music at the same time.. it ain't easy but I thank God

Amebosquare::: what where the reactions of parent are they supporting???

KFACTOR::: Like they say no pain no gain My mum as been supportive right from day one. So it wasn't a uphill task convincing my dad..
"Amebosquare:::why is that most artist get support from mum and not dad ?? Well let not go into that now !!"

Amebosquare::: so how many shows,tracks,features have you gotten??

KFACTOR:::: I have about 3 tracks and for d shows I got some during December last year,I have featured. 2 of my mate in a track titled lifestyle that ice thrill and experijay...

Amebosquare::: who are your role model's both foreign and nigeria here

KFACTOR:::: I grow up listening alot of Dbanj and tuface music.. I look up to them they really inspired me..I also look up to d late Micheal Jackson..

Amebosquare:::: Who are those supporting you??

KFACTOR::: am self made

Amebosquare:: How are you pushing your musical career.

KFACTOR:: With the help of amebosquare and some other helping hands have been able to push hard

Amebosquare::: Who are your target audience?

KFACTOR::: I hope when i host my concert I would like to see over 3billion people from all around the world to. Come watch me perform.

Amebosquare::: who would you like to feature in any of your track

KFACTOR:: I would love to work with Dbanj, kiss Daniel and wizkid

Now the interview section as come to an end drop comment,share on social networks ..for booking or get any offer for KFACTOR email us Amebosquare@gmail.com!!!!

Kfactor will be dropping is a new track febuary show some love by share the music art above on your social networks,
So kfactor round the interview section up in 7 sentences!!!

Wad wad up everybody keep it lookdown to amebosquare. Com. To get the latest news about me u can reach me on twitter @k_factor70 iG king_kfactor .stay blessed I luv u all.....!!!!!!!!!!!

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