February 18, 2016

Dear Mothers, Stop Bleaching Your Baby’s Skin — Concerned Nigerian Writes

I observe with disgust and repulsion the exhibition of a low self esteem by people who seem to have made a covenant with cream that bleach the skin. The saddest part of this misadventure is the fact that in spite of the poor result from the use of “skin toning” (bleaching) cream, there appears to be a mass migration in that direction by people who just want to be “white”.

Just to put things in perspective, MAN CANNOT FIX WHAT GOD HAS MADE and at all times,
we are made in the best way we could be by God. The above truth can be seen in the FACT that 99% of the time, we see most “bleaching project” fail and the effort to “fix” what the adventurer (victim) considers a problem often goes south and the results are nothing but regret even if expressed or shrouded in an “all-is-well facade.

But this is not the focus of this message, it is the most reprehensible act of abuse by parents who also apply their “skin toning” (bleaching) cream on their babies. I have overheard a mother who said she needed her baby to be as “white” as her neighbor’s child.

Not long thereafter, her baby started looking “toned” (but in an awful way). It is not an act of love to apply skin-toning (bleaching cream) on a child, in a bid to force a child to be “white”. It is abuse. Our parents raised us with Vaseline and palm kennel oil and (to God’s glory) we turned out well.
We did not become failures because our parents raised us the skin God gave us. Indeed we are better for it. I could compare the skin remodeling adventure by parents on the children to a gender reassignment surgery by people who felt they were born in the wrong body. Parents should let they children keep their natural skin.

We do not have to be “white” and “whites” don’t want to be us. My black skin is a beautiful organ to be preserved and protected, and not to be washed away. You will get to the “white” skin only when you bleach the “black”. If that is anything to go by, which skin is richer?

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